PANNEX™ – the powerful and eco-friendly tire sealant
PANNEX™ seals tires of all sizes, thus it can be used for utility vehicles, busses, trucks and trailers.

If your vehicle is equipped with a stationary air compressor, the 800 ml bottle of PANNEX™ tire sealant is ideal.
Vehicles without air compressor use the complete PANNEX™-set with the 420 ml bottle and the powerful compressor. Depending on the size of the tire, the full bottle content is required.
PANNEX™ can be used easily and needs less time and effort compared to a complete wheel change. Hence, your vehicle is mobile again faster and deliveries can be met with less delay.
PANNEX™ tire sealant contains eco-friendly components only and is easily biodegradable. Hence, it can be washed away with regular water at the repair station.
At the same time the spare wheel can be omitted, saving fuel and preserving the environment with less CO2-emissions.
In case the tire is repairable, the tire can be re-used after application of PANNEX™.